In the Media

Colloquia & Interviews

  • Hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Education Policy and Governance (PEPG) in both 2023 and 2024.

    Co-led with Thiru Vignarajah a hybrid in-person/online colloquium focused on the 2007 Supreme Court case regarding Seattle Public Schools’ desegregation plan and its implications for racial diversity in schools. The Court’s ruling in this case substantially lessened school districts’ ability to create more diverse learning environments for their students, the implications of which are being felt today in America’s schools.

  • Sponsored by Education Next and the Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Education Policy and Governance (PEPG).

    Interviewed on podcast hosted by Harvard Kennedy School Professor Dr. Paul Peterson regarding a set of fundamental dynamics affecting school district leadership strategies.

  • Hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Education Policy and Governance (PEPG).

    Spoke at colloquium about the impacts that the COVID pandemic has wrought on school district finances and the challenges and opportunities that student-based budgeting offers to districts post-pandemic.

  • Hosted by Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of Education and Human Development.

    Led online colloquium about the revolutionary change underway in the allocation of resources by urban school districts to their schools and students, both nationally and locally.

  • Hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Education Policy and Governance (PEPG).

    Spoke at online colloquium on the revolutionary change underway in the allocation of resources by urban school districts to their schools and students.

    Noted that districts are moving from bureaucratic staffing-focused models, to more dynamic, student-focused models.

  • Hosted by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Education Policy and Governance (PEPG).

    Interviewed by Dr. Marty West of the Harvard Graduate School of Education about the ways that American parents and school districts are confronting the COVID pandemic crisis as the new school year was opening.

  • Hosted by Johns Hopkins University.

    Interviewed mentee and Assistant Principal of the Shenzhen Bay School about her role in creating an innovative new school that blends academics and athletics.

  • Sponsored by Education Next and the Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Education Policy and Governance (PEPG).

    Interviewed by Harvard Kennedy School Professor Dr. Paul Peterson discussing school districts’ responses to the early phases of the COVID pandemic.


  • Published in Education Next.

    Co-authored featured story for the Fall 2023 issue of Harvard University's journal of education policy on the rapidly emerging phenomenon of parents reconsidering the traditional school model by “unbundling” their children’s schooling into discrete elements that are controlled by the parent.

  • Published by Harvard Kennedy School Alumni Magazine.

    Highlighted in story about professional relationship with mentee James Oliver.

  • Published by the World Bank.

    Served as advisor to Emiliana Vegas of the World Bank in the development through a cross-country analysis of quality assurance frameworks in other countries of a quality assurance framework for Chilean schools on behalf of Chile’s Minister of Education.

    Spanish-language version of the report titled, “El Diseño Institucional de un Sistema Efectivo de Aseguramiento de la Calidad de la Educación en Chile” was also published.

  • Published by American Institutes for Research and sponsored by the Microsoft Corporation.

    Developed guide to the research and best practices of math and science instruction, especially for middle school students.

  • Published by American Institutes for Research.

    Co-authored article on the development and advantages of the “Portfolio Approach” to school district reform, especially for large urban school districts.

  • By Po Bronson

    One chapter of the book highlights the story of leaving the investment banking field in 1995 to join the Seattle Public Schools.

  • By William G. Ouchi

    Featured prominently in the book along with Houston Independent School District Superintendent Rod Paige on the impact of the Weighted Student Formula.

Harvard Business School Case Studies

  • By Stig Leschly

    A case summary of the reform agenda pursued by Seattle Public Schools during leadership tenure.

  • By Stig Leschly

    Highlights the elements of the Seattle Public Schools’ reform agenda focused on broadening the power/authority of schools and parents to manage their students’ schooling.

  • By Stig Leschly

    Highlights the elements of the Seattle Public Schools’ reform agenda focused on increasing the accountability of schools and educators for fostering student achievement.

  • By Stig Leschly

    Highlights the elements of the Seattle Public Schools’ reform agenda focused on implementation of a diversity-based student assignment plan.

  • By Stig Leschly

    Highlights the elements of the Seattle Public Schools’ reform agenda focused on opposition and legal challenges to its diversity-based student assignment plan.